Long term narrow boat rental
Long Term residential boat renting

If you have a boat for rent or are LOOKING for a boat to rent then please use our FREE classifieds board to look for a boat or tell others you are looking to rent one.
Use thes links above to move around the web site.
This web site is a not for profit resource that those looking for a boat to rent long term rent can access.
We are not a letting agent nor a broker. We are a web site plain and simple...and nothing else.
We are not a letting agent nor a broker. We are a web site plain and simple...and nothing else.
Move to our classified board HERE
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Why not visit our sister sites. The boatshare.co.uk web site is the leading web site in England for selling shares in private and managed narrow boats in the UK and also Barges based in France.
Our boatsell.co.uk web site is there to help you save money on advertsing your boat for sale in other places. Go there to see how it all works for just £20 for 12 months.